Program your Dance Moves!You've learned how to make Sphero move, but can you make Sphero dance? Use and combine the codes below to make your unique moves. Or, make something completely different. At the end of the period, show off your moves at the Sphero Dance party! The CircleSpinThe WobbleThe SquareSpins and LInesDirections1. Choose one of the mazes in the library.
2. Create a program to move your Sphero from one box to the other. 3. Once solved, add lights, sounds, and celebratory spins/art to your solution. Important Tips! A. Decide the direction, or degrees of your rolls before starting. A consistent speed of 75 works well for solving mazes. The only unknown variable it time. Use trial and error. B. Always start your sphero from the same exact spot or you won't know if your code is improving. Make sure to aim carefully! Creating AnimationsToday we will be focusing on using the newest feature on the Sphero Bolt: the Matrix. The matrix can be animated quickly and easily using block programming. There will be a short demonstration followed by time to come up with your own unique animations. At the end of the period, we will all show off our animations in the lab.
February 2025