Today we will: 1. Find our location on a map. 2. Take a tour of the forest. 3. Upload a screenshot to our new Padlet. Where are we going? We are headed to a the beautiful Harviala Forest in Finland. This is a long way from home, but we have thing in common. First of all, this forest is managed by a company the practices responsible forestry that keeps the forest healthy and maintains animal habitats. What to see it on a map? Go ahead, click on the map! Want to learn about Red Lake Forestry that benefits our tribe? Go here. Click on the picture to post your find! Don't know how to do the screenshot? Watch the video below for a tutorial!
Today we will: 1. Borrow books! 2. Continue our home row lessons with typing agent! 3. Use our home row skills to defend yourself from zombies and win a pencil! Game Time! Click on the image to begin. Make sure to change your settings to "easy" and "home row keys". Defeat level one to earn a pencil! Standard: Grade 5: With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of two pages in a single sitting.
September 2024